Awareness versus Consciousness.

Awareness versus Consciousness.

Recently I was in a Clubhouse room where some asked “Does a rock have consciousness?” This question opened an interesting discussion that boiled down to what we understand as Awareness and Consciousness. And here is what I understand: Awareness is how we...
What is Spiritual Ascension?

What is Spiritual Ascension?

What does Spiritual Ascension actually mean? The first time I heard someone say, ” We are in Spiritual Ascension.” I was intrigued and equally puzzled. What the heck does that mean? Are we all just simply leaving this 3rd dimension plane and going to the...
InbodyLight Vocabulary

InbodyLight Vocabulary

Welcome to my website and InbodyLight’s world. I’m so happy you are here! I want to help you navigate this site and the information you’ll find here. Below are some words and terms I use throughout my site, blogs, and posts and how I interpret them....