✨Energy Activation✨


The Healing & Activation Series


    ✨☀️8/8 Portal ☀️✨


Thursday, August 8th, 2024

at 2 pm EST (US/Canada)


Please check in again, as the details will be available soon.

You can already save your spot.


💫The influx of Love and Light into the planet has been unprecedented since we started playing in the 3rd-dimensional game💫

These are magnificent times to be alive on the planet!

It's incredible, but we can't ascend taking baggage with us.

The process of ascension requires that we clear the veils and densities from our energy fields. In a journey of unbecoming, remembering the truth of who we are. As we let go of these layers, we can see the inner diamond!

So let's embrace these energies and the thinning of veils and propel ourselves in our Ascension journeys!

📍The LIVE ACTIVATIONS are on Zoom. You'll receive an email within 24 hours with the instructions and link. Each month we cover a different topic. Please check the energy library for the past workshops.

So, are you ready to step up your game? Join me!

Please remember that:


  • This file is non-shareable and non-transferable.
  • Make sure you don’t do this work while driving or operating any machinery.
  • Do not share any part of this workshop or any of Inbodylight’s materials without prior written consent.
