Ready to

in your life?

Every time we are romantically involved with someone, our energy fields connect.
And, our lovers not only bring their own energy but
the energy of their past lovers.
(and this can be a lot of energy baggage here!)
If left uncleared, we can move on to the next relationship or even be single and experiencing unresolved emotional and karmic patterns.
Are you feeling like you…
- are constantly attracting the same kind of partner?
- see patterns in your relationships, but you are not sure how to break them?
- have an ex who you just can’t let go of?
- had a heartbreak, and your heart doesn’t seem to mend?
- are sad, unfulfilled, and or lonely when it comes to your love life?
- are ready to let go of the past’s hurt and create space in your heart for self-love and joy?
- are ready to prepare for your soulmate or Twin Flame?
- have actually found THE one and you are wondering how to take this relationship to the next level of intimacy and love?
- are ready to fall in love with yourself again?
Do you believe in serendipity? You should!
Because you were divinely guided here!
I know that sometimes you can feel angry, lost, and unfulfilled in your love life.
You may be having persistent thoughts and emotions about someone or a past event.
You feel stuck in a pattern of behavior or reaction to others.
Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem can cripple in.
There’s something that you are not sure what or why holds you back from experiencing romantic fulfillment.
Now let me tell you, beloved, there is a reason why it feels so sticky!
You are still carrying the story and, possibly, the energetic imprints of past lovers and relationships in your own energetic field!
Its’ time to let go of the baggage and open space for self-love, ease, to feel good!
Imagine now you….
- feeling lighter without the interference of old energetic baggage that wasn’t even yours,
- cleared of your past relationships and lover’s energies from your energy field.,
- cleared of energetic chords that were draining your kundalini,
- healed some of your relationships patterns that were caused by karma or energy stuck in your field
- learning more about yourself and your love life through your own energy field and soul’s history
- feeling more like yourself and with a new perspective on self love and romance

love life

Let me introduce you to…….

The Sacred Romance Session is designed to support you in your romantic relationships, including the one with yourself, by releasing stagnant energies, energy drains and blocks.
Your experience at this moment could be impacted by energetic patterns that are not even yours!
This session is ideal to clear the energy of past relationships and explore what could be the root cause of unwanted patterns or lack of fulfillment.
During our session I’ll tap into your aura from the Quantum field of the 7th dimension. or higher with the assistance of the Collective of Light and your Higher Self.
We’ll focus on the 3 lower chakras and heart chakra, and move any stagnant energy, any blocks of energy flow. Energies from past lovers will be transmuted in all your bodies, clearing any karma and cords with them.
If there is any energy of a past lover draining you, blocking you, we’ll be able to uncover and transmute.
The Sacred Romance Session is an energetic process to address your patterns and relationship cycles from the root cause.
You can create the love and relationships you desire.

Choose below:
Single session
3 session package
5 session package
✨That’s one session free!✨

Now and who am I and why can I assist you with all of this?
Hi, I’m Fadia!
I’m a multidimensional quantum mechanic, an aura alchemist, clairvoyant, and an energy guide.

I work with the assistance and support from the Christed Collective of Light from the 12th dimension and higher: Elohei-Elohim, Essenes, and Dragon realm, amongst others, to bring forth the information and energetics to assist my clients in uncovering and transmuting energetic imprints that are affecting their experience.
I scan my client’s field from the 12th dimension, and, from this higher perspctive, I can see the energy field clairvoyantly and guide them to transmute cords, karma, contracts, and what is needed to clear the illusion of who they are not.
I’m a healthcare provider and have been studying metaphysics for over 20 years (and many lifetimes). I developed my own techniques by doing my own inner work and working on my energy field. I’ve diligently worked on my aura, learning more about the parts and functions of each aspect. I created my own proprietary ways of uncovering and transmuting many forms of illusion.
I understand the Twin Flame Journey and its intricacies deeply. I receive information directly from the Twin Flame Council and I can access the Akashic Records if needed to go deeper into karmic issues relevant and ready to be released.
And this is why I’m here — to support you in your journey in this lifetime and across times.
I’m also a fashion lover: jewelry, clothes, shoes and make-up! My friends know me for my sparkly shoes and being a bit “extra”LOL. I love to marvel at the beauty of the work and creative process in making clothing and shoes and enjoy the beauty of my favorite gems as body adornments (jewelry). It’s a form of self-expression and having fun in the body. Makes my inner child happy!
Loving feedback from those that have worked with me:
Colin Sinclair
Karen Kuchel
It is your turn now!

During the Sacred Romance Session, I’ll tap into your aura from the Quantum field of the 7th dimension.
We’ll move any stagnant energy, any blocks of energy flow.
We’ll transmute any energy of past lovers in all your bodies, clearing any karma and cords with them.
If there is any energy of a past lover draining you, blocking you, we’ll be able to uncover and transmute.
During our 90-minute session, I’ll be guided, assisted, and supported by the Collective of Light, Archangelic Realm, Ascended Masters Realm,
Hathors, Pleiadians, Arctuarians, your Higher Self, and your guides.
It’s a unique and very high vibration container.
When you click to book your session, you’ll be redirected to my calendar. There you will be able to pick the best time + date for you.
Once the payment is processed, you will receive an email confirmation with your booking time and zoom link for our virtual meeting.
Shortly after, you’ll receive an email from me with further instructions on how to prepare for our session. Please, read the email carefully as how you show up for the session will impact our time together!
I’m looking forward to being of service for the highest good of your Soul and the highest good of All That Is, in divine order, in integrity and in Light.

Choose below:
Single session
3 session package
5 session package
✨That’s one session free!✨